Monday, 9 June 2014

New Horizons

I’m so happy & very excited to finally be able to announce that the new website is now live; for my part, it’s been almost 2 years in the making, from a thought that has grown and developed into a creation that I’m really very proud of.  I’ve spent time over the weekend reflecting on the process and realised how much I’ve learned, not only about creating an e-commerce website, but about myself.  There are times when it’s taken me to the edge, when fear, unfamiliarity and sheer frustration have threatened to make me want to abandon ship; on one particularly stressful day, a colleague who has been an absolute tower of strength throughout, said to me “Cathy, you have to understand, that this is not for the faint-hearted”.  “Now you tell me”! To all of you who have helped and supported me throughout this time, thank you, you know who you are.

I've realised that sometimes the best thing to do is "no-thing", to try to just go with the flow and not, as Stuart Wilde describes, lean into everything, trying to make it all happen; everything gets done eventually and usually at the right time.  As a child, at home we had a copy of the Desiderata on the wall in the kitchen and during particularly stressful times of late, I would recall the words my mum repeats to me often, “whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should”; I imagined the universe to be particularly amused on the day that I summoned the courage to sign the contract and pay my deposit to the web developers and less than half an hour later received a call to say that some work I was doing at the time was coming to a very abrupt end; would I have taken that contract if I’d received the call prior to making the commitment – I suppose I really didn’t have a choice, I was too far down the road by then, but it certainly wouldn’t have been returned with the same positive energy and excited anticipation!

The Rowan Clinic first breathed life in 2007, as part of an undergraduate, business project and I was determined that it would become real as soon as I left university; the folder below was the first creation and never was so much love and care put into a piece of work. 

Such artistry!  Those prominent, hand-painted berries were meticulously & repeatedly applied!
Of course I want the site to be a success, it’s my business and to say otherwise would be an untruth, but those of you who know me will also know that nutrition is my absolute passion and therefore I feel so grateful and privileged to be able to immerse myself in the work I love. 

From small acorns or berries ...
Abraham Maslow describes, a “self-actualising” person, as one who is detached from outcome, and doesn’t do what they do because of what results are going to come to them, that is not what motivates them; they do what they do because they listen to that inner voice, a calling if you like, that says “just keep going – this is what you are meant to be doing – this is your purpose” – that is what I aspire to be.

It always seems impossible, until it's done (Nelson Mandela)

Cathy x

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