Sunday, 30 November 2014

Keep Active with Omega-3

I know I’ve posted many times before about the amazing health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids; I am absolutely passionate about their numerous health benefits, not only in relation to heart disease, depression, immune disorders and certain cancers but also for their role in joint health and debilitating, inflammatory diseases such as osteoarthritis. I believe wholeheartedly that if I didn’t take omega-3 each and every day, I would not still be running; I am what is known in the running world, as an over-pronator, therefore my feet role inwards and without orthotics that serve to rectify my gait and therefore re-align my whole body including my spine, I certainly wouldn’t be running, but I also believe that the omega-3 fatty acids and their potent anti-inflammatory properties, play a huge role in keeping me active.

Numerous omega-3 health benefits in relation to depression, heart-
disease and inflammatory disorders such as osteoarthritis
In-fact, this last fortnight I’ve been taking a different brand of omega-3, having been sent a sample by a new supplier, and I truly believe I’ve suffered the consequences; I don’t like the product because I get a fishy aftertaste for one thing and over this last fortnight I’ve developed a tightness in my lower back and leg muscles, consequently, I’ve gone straight back to my Eskimo 3 High Strength. I know you may be thinking that I have a vested interest in telling you this because I sell them on the site, but those of you who know me, will also know I wouldn’t recommend anything I either haven’t tried or don’t totally believe in and this is one product that I think is quite literally gold-standard!  
Nutri's High-Strength Omega-3
Keep moving! x

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