Sunday 18 November 2012

Knowing -v- Doing!

Five transformational lifestyle basics:-

ü  Make sure you eat at least 5 portions of fruit & veg every day

ü  Try to drink approximately 1.5 litres of plain water each day

ü  Make time for a healthy breakfast, even if all you can manage to eat or make time for is a piece of fruit

ü  Try to eat at least one and possibly two portions of oily fish per week , tinned varieties are fine (salmon, mackerel, trout, sardines, pilchards, kippers)

ü  Perform some kind of physical exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week, preferably every day

I can literally hear you groaning at the advice I’ve just given above, because yes, I know you’ve heard it all before, it’s nothing new and everyone knows it – don’t they? 

Well, I made a positive decision this morning and promised myself that I would follow my own advice, to the letter, for the whole of the coming week.  You may think that because I do this for a living, that I never forget to drink the water or to make sure I achieve 5+ a day, but I too have to be constantly vigilant to ensure I make all the above a part of my own personal daily discipline.  We all have busy lives and days filled with things to do and then before you know it, its evening time and you’ve had very little water throughout the day; no wonder you perhaps feel tired, sluggish and maybe even have a headache or you’ve got home from the office and convinced yourself that you’re too tired to exercise or go for a 30 minute power walk, when in actual fact you’re only mentally tired and not physically so and would feel so much better if you made the effort and I realise the oily fish isn’t everyone’s favourite, but because it has such positive effects upon both our physical and mental health, surely its worth remembering, isn’t it?

So, you may think that you already “know” all of the above, but in the words of Anthony Robbins, “if you ain’t doing it, then you don’t know it”.  So, I hope you’ll join me this week in trying to achieve at least one and possibly all of the above each and every day and this time next week we’ll not only look better but feel better for having made some small and yet empowering, positive lifestyle changes.
“Find yourself, motivate yourself, commit yourself"
Norman Vincent Peale

Nourish Yourself!
Cathy x

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